Phone : 8818001570, 8818001588, 9991920588

CBSE Affiliation No. : 530609

Phone : 8818001570, 8818001588, 9991920588

CBSE Affiliation No. : 530609

School Philosophy

We believe that everybody should have equal opportunity for education consistent with his/her individual capabilities and with his/her personal and social needs. Education should foster independent thinking, exploration and experimentation as a lifelong process. It is our foremost endeavour to develop in each student, the following:

a) A mastery of the skills The ability to think clearly, logically and independently

b) The ability to think clearly, logically and independently

c) Understanding and appreciation of cultural, scientific, economic and political ideas and practices.

School Vision

To provide a unique and innovative world class learning environment for each student’s holistic development with Indian ethos and global standards

To create a sense of enquiry and scientific temper in the minds of young children and to keep them free of biases and prejudices

To see that every child is sculpted as a good human and world citizen ready to go on a path of high calibre professionalism and good human


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